What Does Comfort Mean To You?

Was Does Comfort Mean To You?

We all want to be comfortable in our lives.

To be able to sit back relax and not have a care. To know our bills are paid, Our bellies are full and our family is safe. But so many of us never get to that point because we realize that to truly be comfortable, we must first be uncomfortable.

We have to be willing to do what others won’t so we can live the life we desire. One of choice rather than circumstance. It is the start that stops most. Because making an excuse is sometimes easier than making a mistake. So we let ourselves stay grounded in a mediocre life.

Are you ready? To do what is necessary to live the life you really were meant have and enjoy?

Let’s chat about changing your life.

I’ve been helping families since 2001.




REAL Long-Term Wealth

Residual income is money you derive from initial transactions or efforts that continue to pay off over time. It’s the income you accrue without actively working for it after the initial contact to share it with others. Like a movie or a book, It is a one-time commitment that pays them for their work continuously.

Residual income offers financial stability and freedom, acting as a buffer that supplements your regular earnings, aiding in debt repayment, savings, and achieving financial objectives.

Remember, significant earnings may take time to develop. That is why most folks start to look for a “side hustle” or a “Plan B” in the first place. They want to bring in additional income without having to work even harder than they already do.

I know for myself, it was the best choice I made. Working three jobs and 7 days a week was not the answer. I know you are looking too, or you would not have read this far into my blog. I want to hear about what you need for your family. I want to help you to achieve that goal. I am here, waiting to help.


I Just Can’t Do This Anymore.

Photo by Tobias Aeppli on Pexels.com

Getting back up and back on track after life has knocked you down can be incredibly difficult. It’s discouraging when you feel like you’re being held back from achieving your goals or becoming a better person. In these moments, it’s easy to feel defeated and wonder if it’s even worth trying.

“I’m here to tell you to never give up and keep fighting, even if you have doubts in yourself. Find someone who believes in your abilities and is willing to support you and push you forward until you believe in yourself too. They should be the ones who lift you up when you’re feeling down and never try to hold you back.”

The one thing I can tell you is that the longer you live, the more obstacles and challenges you will experience unless you choose to stay inside your safe space. However, it’s worth taking risks and stepping out of your comfort zone, because good things often happen when you do. Sometimes, it’s worth throwing caution to the wind and just taking the leap.

just do yourself a favor, don’t wait for the perfect day. The happily ever after ending. You need to be present in your life now. You need to dance, smile, laugh and be silly now. Someone is always watching you. Be that exaplme for them. Be the hope in their lives. Give them someone that is real and not afraid of making mistakes and not being perfect. You want to make a difference? Show them that you understand that life is hard. And it is distressing at times. But you are enduring. You got this!